Tips for Controlling Dust Mites During Summer Days
July 1, 2023

Dust mites are tiny creatures found in bedding, upholstered furniture, carpets, and stuffed toys in all homes. They thrive in hot and humid environments and feed on dead skin and organic matter. Dust mites can trigger allergy symptoms such as a runny nose, itchy eyes, coughing, wheezing, and dry, itchy skin.

Wash bedding frequently.

Wash your sheets, pillowcases, and blankets every 1-2 weeks in hot water (at least 120°F or 49°C) and dry them in a hot temperature setting to kill dust mites and remove allergens. For oversized blankets/comforters, heat dry them for at least one hour. 

Use dust mite-proof covers.

Cover your mattresses, box springs, and pillows with zippered dust mite-proof covers. These washable covers are a barrier, preventing dust mites from infesting your bedding.

Reduce the clutter in the bedroom.

Remove unnecessary items such as decorative pillows, extra blankets, and stuffed animals from your bedroom.

Choose machine-washable stuffed toys.

When selecting stuffed toys for children, choose those that can be machine-washed. Regularly wash these toys in hot water to eliminate dust mites and allergens.

Opt for hard flooring.

Choose wood or vinyl flooring instead of carpet. Carpets can trap dust mites and their allergens, making it harder to control their population. If you have carpets, vacuum them at least once a week using a vacuum cleaner equipped with a double-thickness HEPA filter bag.

Protect yourself while cleaning.

Cover yourself from inhaling allergenic particles by wearing a mask during vacuuming. We also recommend using a damp cloth while dusting your furniture weekly since dry dusting can make allergens airborne and cause allergy symptoms. 

Use blinds instead of curtains.

Cover your windows with blinds instead of curtains, as blinds are easier to clean and less likely to trap dust mites. Clean the blinds regularly with a damp cloth to remove any accumulated dust.

By following these tips, you can significantly reduce your exposure to dust mites and alleviate allergy symptoms, allowing you to enjoy a more comfortable and allergy-free summer.

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