STAAMP Allergy

In the News

July 24, 2023
Univision 41 San Antonio es el espacio digital de noticias para que los residentes de la comunidad hispana en la entidad encuentren información útil que les ayude a vivir en los Estados Unidos. Noticias relacionadas con el tiempo, la temperatura, olas de calor, tormentas de arena, granizadas, así como temas de migración, deportaciones, política, resultados de la lotería, economía, negocios, finanzas personales, educación, salud, crimen, tráfico y la guía local son algunos de los tópicos que el grupo de periodistas reportean para la audiencia local.
July 20, 2023
Univision 41 San Antonio a las 4 PM. Gabriel Torres te explica aquí por qué en la ciudad hay poca visibilidad en el horizonte y de dónde provienen estos contaminantes.
September 9, 2022
The winning companies are working to ensure diversity, equity and inclusion are priorities, not only for their companies but for their clients. Moves that impressed the judges included diversity in top leadership positions, health care benefits for nontraditional families and unconscious bias training.
National Medal of Science Nominating Committee in San Antonio
By Website Editor April 1, 2022
A San Antonio physician has been selected by U.S. President Joe Biden to serve on a committee to help evaluate nominees for the nation’s highest scientific honors.
By Website Editor March 23, 2022
La cadena de Univision entrevista al Dr. Raul Rubio en donde explica cómo prepararse para no sufrir de las alergias.
By Website Editor February 10, 2022
Families across San Antonio and the nation have been eagerly awaiting news from the CDC and FDA for when COVID-19 vaccines will be given the green light for their children under the age of 5. South Texas Allergy & Asthma Medical Professionals (STAAMP) has been steadily tracking this progress and is hopeful to see this happen in the near future.
By Website Editor January 4, 2022
STAAMP seeing increase in patients, local allergist says.
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